Have you ever wished that your workforce was just a cloned group of you?

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Have you ever wished that your workforce was just a cloned group of you?

Do You Wish You Could Clone Yourself?

Many bosses have said, “If only people thought like me, worked like me and tried as hard as me!”

You can actually have a workforce that’s better than that!

Remember, you are NOT perfect! You have staff that are actually BETTER THAN YOU at somethings.

The reason you get frustrated and annoyed at the decisions and behaviour that staff exhibit is because you don’t understand them, or they don’t understand you.

When a leader communicates, clearly, the mission, the ethos, the vision, the purpose, the intent, and the values that they hold dear, the workforce gets it!

I describe this essential leadership tool at the “MEVPIV”.

A MEVPIV creates trust and inspires employees and other stakeholders

People often have skills that extend beyond those of their boss, that are frequently under-utilized or ignored. Once these employees understand the #MEVPIV, you give them the opportunity to present these skills… You create a means by which your staff can be able of performing and delivering extraordinary productivity.

If you genuinely want to bring out the best in people… which, let’s face it, is the responsibility of all good leaders, then you have to prioritize the development of a meaningful and inspiring MEVPIV for your organization.

If you genuinely want to optimise success, follow in the footsteps of organizations who have embraced and prioritized people productivity, and choose to create a developed extraordinary MEVPIV.

What Good is a Mission Statement, Really? Where to from there?

On its own a Mission statement in only part of the guidelines necessary for clarity. But in SYNERGY with the other parts of the MEVPIV, an unstoppable force can be built.

From the MEVPIV comes the OSATTA (sometimes described as the OSATTF).

The MEVPIC-OsattF model is only part of the process

ANY business executive who follows this diagram will concede it provides the ingredients for drafting a workable roadmap, business plan, and marketing action program that has the capacity for holistic success.

If you take a cohesive, holistic approach to strategy you win… at least it worked for Sun Tzu. This and many other excellent business guidelines are explained in the e-book, “Managerial Marketing in the Real World”, published by Bookboon

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