Corporate Governance

Get holistic and engaging, marketing-led leadership for long-run market dominance.

Corporate Marketing Governance
What Is Corporate Governance?

‘Corporate Governance is overseeing management, control, and coordination of overt and implied needs and wants of the organisation aligned to legal, moral, industry, cultural, and political expectations of all stakeholders with whom it transacts or effects, and the resources available transparently, responsibly, and diligently so as to engage and align with clarity and purpose.’ © Leigh Cowan 2010

Strategic Marketing Governance significantly lightens the burden on board members in terms of corporate governance responsibilities and leadership.

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Responsibilities if a Board of Directors
Is Corporate Marketing Governance Essential?

What is the secret to post-IPO success? Interestingly, from 2004 to 2007, a study was undertaken that monitored the progress of companies recently listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Consistently, those that failed and are no longer in business were led by board members who lacked any formal marketing qualifications. Boards with directors possessing formal marketing qualifications showed consistent higher-than-issue share prices.
ns showed consistent higher-than-issue share prices.

Searching for 'Blue Ocean' Strategies?

Once you understand the hierarchies of marketing, the relevance of strategic marketing management starts to become clear.

Strategy leadership can engage and align virtually any organisation to meet even the toughest demands of the market, shareholders, and the environment.

Good Marketing Governance Creates Employee Engagement

Globally, only 16% of employees in companies employing over 200 people are engaged. One-third of these cite their dissatisfaction with lack of direction.

Even in Australia, only 24% of staff are engaged employees, with the majority unengaged and over 18% actively disengaged (i.e., trying to sabotage your business).

Once you embrace market-led strategic management, laying down a purposeful mission and vision, you engage your people, giving them focus, purpose, and direction.

Key Issues in Strategic Leadership and Corporate Marketing Governance

All marketing expenditure should be completely accountable. Adopting disciplined managerial marketing methods help make a company’s marketing activities much more productive and efficient.

There is no reason that most businesses shouldn’t be able to accurately forecast next year’s earnings. They should achieve the goals they set for themselves every time!

Corporate Governance Is Coming Under More Scrutiny

It is often said that ‘finance is the fuel, but marketing is the engine’. Although accounting and finance have borne the blame for corporate failure in the past, focus is now turning to marketing governance.

Best Consultants to Mentor You in Corporate Marketing Governance

Of course we’re not the only consultants available, but think about these credentials:

  • You’ll have a consultant who has sat on boards of management and KNOWS what you’re going through
  • You’ll have a consultant who has been a director of a public company and is experienced and seasoned
  • You’ll have a consultant who has delivered successful strategic direction for businesses worth $5M to $1B+
  • You’ll have a consultant with sufficient levels of knowledge to lecture in marketing at an MBA level

As investors and backers develop more mature and professional understanding of marketing, abandoning the limited perception of marketing as just promotional communications, marketing governance is becoming a key focus point.
